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Training Of Leading Tourism Village Agents In Buleleng Regency
14 Mei 2024
61 Times

Buleleng, May 14, 2024 - An important step in the development of tourism in Buleleng Regency began with the training of driving agents or local champions of leading tourism villages by the Buleleng Regency Tourism Office which took place from May 14 to 16, 2024. This activity was held at the Tourist Information Center (TIC) Penimbangan and attended by representatives from 12 selected villages including Lemukih Village, Umeanyar Village, Mengening Village, Bengkel Village, Munduk Bestala Village, Pegayaman Village, Lokapaksa Village, Madenan Village, Mayong Village, Gobleg Village, Anturan Village, Sumberkima Village.

Each village sends four representatives as driving agents who will play an important role in advancing their respective tourist villages. Head of the Buleleng Regency Tourism Office, Gede Dody Sukma Oktiva Askara S.Sos, M.Si in his speech, emphasized the importance of the role of driving agents in developing the tourism potential of the village.

“This training is a crucial first step for the 12 selected villages. We hope that the agents who have been trained are able to implement the knowledge gained to make their village a leading tourism village in Buleleng Regency,” said Mr. Dody. He also added that the success of this program is expected to improve the village economy through the tourism sector.

The training involves a variety of materials, ranging from tourism destination management, marketing, such as institutions and entrepreneurship, as well as the anatomy of a tourist village. The participants will also be invited to conduct case studies and direct practice in the field to apply the theory that has been learned.

The training lasted for three days from May 14 to 16, 2024, and the atmosphere of TIC Penimbangan was filled with the spirit and enthusiasm of the participants. They exchanged ideas and experiences, collaborating to formulate innovative and sustainable tourism village development strategies.

With this training, it is expected that 12 villages in Buleleng Regency can emerge as attractive and highly competitive tourist destinations. The success of this program will not only increase tourist visits but also have a positive impact on the local economy and the welfare of village communities.

In closing, Mr. Dody emphasized that the sustainability and success of this program is highly dependent on the commitment and cooperation of all parties involved. “Let us together make Buleleng a leading tourist destination that is not only known at the national level, but also internationally,” he concluded with optimism.
