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DINO LAND Will Be Present In Buleleng, Dispar Holds Coordination Meeting
08 Januari 2024
226 Times

Located in the meeting room of the TIC Penimbangan Beach building, a coordination meeting was held regarding the plan to hold a children's playground "Dino Land". This playground was initiated by Funderland Indonesia in collaboration with the Buleleng district government through the relevant Office. 

The Dino Land playground is planned to take place from January 30 to February 29, 2024. In his presentation, the Head of the Buleleng Regency Tourism Office Gede Dody Sukma Oktiva Askara, S.Sos., M.Si explained that the implementation of this event in order to continue to pay attention to the welfare of local umkm and the traditional villages and official villages by calculating the results of ticket sales to be distributed fairly. 

Plaza Kuliner was chosen as the location of this playground in order to be able to help and increase income for traders in this plaza area. Dino Land playground rides are open from 14.00 pm to 22.00 pm on weekdays and 10.30 am to 22.00 pm on weekdays.
