Pedawa (16/11) - The Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology through Ganesha University of Education, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, Department of History, Sociology, and Library, held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) entitled “Knitting Harmonization of Nature and Humans through Saresehan Mendayung Suara Masyarakat Adat”.
The event was attended by various parties, including representatives of the Director of Belief in God Almighty and Indigenous Peoples of the Directorate General of Culture Agus Setyo Budi, S.IP, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences Prof. Dr. I Nengah Suastika, S.Pd., M.Pd., Head of the Buleleng Regency Tourism Office Gede Dody Sukma Oktiva Askara, Head of the Tourism Destination Division Ni Luh Made Enny Widhiyati; representatives of the Fisheries, Marine and Food Security Office; as well as Pedawa indigenous community leaders, students and local indigenous people.
This activity aims to foster people's love for nature and strengthen the relationship between humans and the environment. In addition, the event also focused on preserving local customs and culture, which serve as the main pillars of sustainable tourism in Pedawa Village. By maintaining the authenticity of customs, it is hoped that culture-based tourism can continue to develop without sacrificing local wisdom.
In the discussion session, the Fisheries and Food Security Office of Buleleng Regency conveyed the importance of building geoeconomic awareness of indigenous peoples to revive local food diversity. This is considered essential in supporting sustainable food security, in accordance with local wisdom.
Meanwhile, the Buleleng Regency Tourism Office discussed the development of indigenous people-friendly tourism that emphasizes the principles of sustainability, justice and shared benefits. Tourism involving indigenous people is expected to create harmony between economic interests, environmental preservation and culture.
This FGD is a concrete step in strengthening the cultural identity of Pedawa Village as part of a traditional and cultural tourism destination in Buleleng Regency. By involving various parties, ranging from the government, academics, to indigenous peoples, this activity is expected to be the beginning of synergy in maintaining the harmony of nature and humans amid the challenges of modernization.
The preservation of traditions and local wisdom values is not only important for indigenous communities, but also a unique and sustainable tourist attraction for visitors. Pedawa Village is now increasingly establishing itself as an example of how harmony between humans, customs and nature can be realized for future generations.