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Sudaji Tourism Village
04 Maret 2024


Topographically, Sudaji Village is a highland and mountainous area located at an altitude of 200 to 400 meters above sea level with a slope of 0-10%. This causes Sudaji Village to have cool and wet weather with an average rainfall of 3000mm per year while the temperature is between 18-230C. The soil conditions for agriculture and plantations are quite fertile and the soil type in Sudaji Village is a brown regosol soil type with a level classified as medium and fertile. Sudaji is a village with a tropical climate, so the suitable crops to be developed include: rice, beans, and other horticultural crops. The most widely developed fruit commodities are Bangkok durian, mango, rambutan and mangosteen.

Based on some experts and figures verbally we can collect that, the origin of the name sudaji is Sariaji, there are others from Suda Aji (sudaji) which means Suda: Clean, and Aji or Teaching. In addition there are still other names that we cannot be certain, considering that until now there is still no history of the origin

Developed since 2010 by tourism enthusiast Zanzan, Sudaji Green's sustainable place mission is to provide a sustainable future for posterity: a world without plastics, harmful chemicals and toxic fertilizers, where people and nature thrive in symbiosis, as nature intended. We are going back to basics - what our ancestors understood and practiced - an environment where tourism entails being curious about new cultures, and discovering their roots. Through food, culture, language, and way of life, tourists can get to know new cultures without destroying Bali's greatest asset: Mother Earth. We seek to educate and facilitate cultural exchange between locals and visitors and bridge the gap between environmental concerns and human interests through practical education and community engagement of Sudaji. The Sudaji concept is to live with and among the local Sudaji community and people, not against them or to destroy nature. Join us if you want to experience the real Balinese people and culture.

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Kecamatan Sawan
Desa/Kelurahan Sudaji
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Ketut Pastika
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